Friday, September 10, 2010


According to the EPA, on several recent occasions, this magnesium chloride plant 70 miles east of Wendover has been the nation's worst air polluter. MagCorp has released close to a hundred tons of chlorine per day from its stacks, in a cloud that can be seen from as far away as Nevada, the majority of total chlorine gas emitted into the air nationwide. Magnesium chloride is one of those versatile "in-between" industrial chemicals, like borax. It is used, for example, as a fire retardant in wood, as a dust-inhibitor for dirt roads, as a lubricant for wool, and as a supplement in cattle feed. Owned by the Magnesium Corporation of America (whose CEO, a few years ago, was building what was called "the largest private home in America, on Long Island, NY).

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